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Am I a jack of all trades and master of none?

When you look around my blog, you will see I do many different things and I am sure I sometimes look like a scatter brain. When I started my blog, it was something to keep occupied, I had no particular direction that I wanted to follow so I gave it my name. This blog is me in a sense.

I love learning new skills and I particularly like to work with my hands. I go from crochet to a little bit of woodwork to recycling easily and I love being able to do that. I get bored easily with one project.

Sometime last week, I read a tweet that said simply, “Jack of trades and master of none”, it was not directed towards me. It made me reflect on myself and wondered if that is what I am or look like. I wondered if it would be better for me to stick to one thing and one thing only and be really good at it. After all practice makes perfect. I did not ask anyone for their opinion because I was afraid of being told what I did not want to hear or possibly acknowledge.

This is what I have accepted, I am happy doing all these things that I do. It keeps me motivated and focussed. I am probably wrong but I feel like I have accomplished something any time I hang a piece of art I have made. This is who I am and I love who I am. I am at peace with the decisions I have made and continue to make.

This blog allows me to express myself in a way that I would never be able to express myself doing any other job. I never know if anyone is going to read any of it but people do and I am thankful especially to anyone who has left a comment or liked my pictures. I set my own deadlines and since I do everything by myself, the success or failures are mine and I like it that way. I have on occasion shared an idea for a project I had and some people are quick to tell you why you should not and can not do it. Its disheartening and you end up over thinking your idea. These days I do not ask for opinions, I just do it and see what happens. I make it a point to finish all my projects and keep it moving.

By posting on a public platform as this, people will let you know their opinions, after all you have given them an open invitation. I will know immediately if something was a good idea or not.

The lesson in all this at least for me is, if you want to do something just do it, you may end up loving it and other people too.If you want to do something just do it, you may end up loving it Click To Tweet Do not worry what other people say, the only person that matters is you and in this way I have found it is not selfish. When I do the things that make me happy, I am a better wife, mother and daughter.

I hope in my ramblings and or projects I am able to inspire you to follow your dreams. You only have one life, live it well!

You only have one life, live it well! Click To Tweet
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