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Flax seed gel recipe

Bermuda is one of the most expensive places ever, the prices for everyday stuff tends to be three times the price in most places. Most natural hair products start from $20 a jar and I just can not  do that, so anytime I can make something that is what I do. The only problem is it can be hard to find all the ingredients and tools that you need so it helps that I am innovative at times. I saw on YouTube that you can make your own styling gel with flax seeds and water and it could not get easier than that. I tried it and it worked out great especially because the flax seeds were for $3 and I can make enough gel for a year! Here is how I did it:


1/4 cup flax seeds

2 cups water


Boil the water and then dump the flax seeds into it.

Stirring pretty much constantly, allow the flax seeds to boil into the water until a gel consistency starts to occur. Mine took about 5 minutes.


Cover your bottle with a pantyhose and strain the gel from the flax seeds.

You can add any essential oils if you have any and shake. Use as you would any hair gel.

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