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I have a weird name and I love it!

It was during my first days in form 1(high school) that I realised that my name was unusual or people would have issues with it. Up until that time, Princess was a perfectly normal name, no one had pointed it out.

I do have to admit that it is a weird and unusual name. So I don’t laugh out loud at other people’s names, I sympathise.

My father named me Princess. It was his dream to be pilot something he could not do and when he had me he thought it would be cool for a pilot to be named Princess, his princess. To his disappointment I never wanted to be a pilot.

I however love my name and with my middle name I like to write it out Princess Tafadzwa. Which often gives the impression that Princess is what I like to call myself. If you call me Tafadzwa, it will take a few more seconds for to realise you are actually talking to me.

In form 1 my father had my trunk with my full name, Princess Tafadzwa Kwangware. One of classmates thought Princess was just I wanted to call myself. I wrote my full name on my books, she could not believe I would go as far as writing my nickname on school books. I have had people ask me to tell them my real name and called Princess Diana countless times. One time, Leo was filling out immigration forms and the lady called him back to ask for my real name not what he calls me.

Then of course there was one of our neighbours who used to sing the Spin Doctors song – Two Princes each time he would see me. Which of course has nothing to do with my name but it was cool to a six year old to have a song about your name. Its now in my head so I am sharing it.

Now I have a three year old who recognises princesses. He associates crowns and jewellery with princesses, thank you Disney. He goes through moments of realising that his mom’s actual name is Princess not mama.

So last week he says to me, “Mama this is Princess Sofia.”

And I answered, “Yes, Leo its Sofia.” He giggled some and says, “You are Princess.”

I answered, “Yes.”

He giggles some more and says, “Yes you are Princess Mama.”

I wasn’t ready for all the emotions that those simple words made me feel. I have never loved my name more.

You may now call me Princess Mama!

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