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This ‘n That #2

One more day and October 2015 will have come to an end. I do not know how I feel about this month coming to an end. It started out with Leo being away the first ten days which is always stressful being with Leo Jr ALL THE TIME and ended with my birthday. I am happy with all the things I made and shared on the blog.

When the month started I was out of sorts. I was not sure of the things I was going to post on the blog and if I was sharing things that are helpful and relevant to the people I try to reach. Anytime that happens I start to question every single idea I have and doubt sets in. I talked to my sister about it and she basically talked me out of doubting myself and it carried me through the month.

Motherhood is tough. Especially with a toddler! Whenever I am out with Leo, there is a moment where he just starts to act up and I feel like screaming. Grocery shopping is a nightmare! I thought my mom was mean because she never took us to the grocery store, she is a wise woman who also had a choice. I have come to the conclusion I spend too much time with him that is why he drives me crazy a couple of times a day. I find myself being envious of my friends in Zimbabwe who have nannies. My favourite times of the day are nap time and bed time. On the days when its hardest I even do an actual happy dance.

At the same time I do not want to change that at the moment, I am not ready to put into school yet. I know my thinking is probably warped but I feel like I only have one more year with him at home. I do a lot with him and I enjoy that and I do not want to give him up yet. I take him to his activities and play-groups and I also get to work while he is watching. The other day he helped roll out the dough for the naan bread.Its not really helping but I think it will also help with his motor skills.

I know I will miss all this one day, so I will take one day at a time.

I have been buying more books from the thrift store, they are mostly fluff but I have been enjoying them. Whenever I finish a big project I reward myself with a book, so much better than TV. I find myself relaxing more.

My patio garden is doing so well right I am so happy with it. We had ur first kale on Wednesday and I think we will have mustard greens some time next week. I am so happy to not buy some vegetables at the supermarket.

I like to watch a lot of Food Network and lately there are a lot of actors who have shows on the network. I have nothing against the actors but I wonder if these actors can actually cook or they are acting like they can. My guess is it is good for the ratings but I am not buying it.

I am looking forward to November and the adventures we will get into around here. What are you looking forward to in the coming month.

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